Title : Architect
Company Name: Alpex Architecture, Ltd
Location : United Kingdom
Specialty : ArchitectureReal EstateNew ConstructionDesign
Biography :Laura Petruso is an architect at Alpex Architecture, Ltd. She fell in love with the field due to a passion for buildings and living spaces, and is known for her design and attention to detail. Laura earned her master’s degree in Architectural Design from the University Barlet and is a member of the Royal Institute. […]
Title : Business Owner/Entrepreneur
Company Name: DentalX
Industry : Health, Wellness and Fitness
Location : Toronto,ON,Canada
Specialty : EntrepreneurshipManagementLeadershipDevelopment
Biography :Anaida Deti is a Business Owner and Entrepreneur. She is passionate about her work and credits her success to perseverance, focus and hard work. She is looking forward to connecting with likeminded professionals.
Title : Director- Defense
Company Name: Donaldson Company, Inc.
Industry : Defense & Space
Location : Monticello,MN,United States
Specialty : Leadership Communication Skills Innovation Defense Continuous Improvement
Biography :Lisa Evans has been an integral part of her company for the past 14 years. As Director of Defense for Donaldson Company, Inc., she is known for her leadership and innovation, and worked her way up the ranks from sales assistance into the director role. Her focus on revenue, profit, continuous improvement, process implementation and […]
Title : Executive Director
Company Name: Imtiaz Consultancy Limited
Industry : Consulting
Location : United Kingdom
Specialty : ManagementITCustomer ExperienceLeadership
Biography :Czarina Sheikh Mathew has a career history spanning over 25 years and is currently the Executive Director of Imtiaz Consultancy Limited. She supports organisations to enhance the employee and customer experience via consultancy, training and coaching. Czarina brings customer-focused solutions to mitigate financial, operational and reputational risk across the business. With substantial experience as a […]
Title : Owner
Company Name: Workplace-Change
Location : Germany
Specialty : Change ManagementBusiness TransformationLeadership
Biography :Andrea Lipp is the owner of Workplace-Change. She is highly skilled in change management and business transformation, and is passionate about her work. She is looking forward to connecting with likeminded professionals.