Title : Founder
Company Name: Blonde Ambitions
Industry : Broadcast Media
Location : London,United Kingdom
Title : Chief Executive Officer
Company Name: Smart Restoration LLC
Industry : Environmental Services
Location : Kansas City,KS,United States
Specialty : Our company holds specific expertise in both mold remediation, ERMI (Environmental Relative Moldiness Index) remediation and water mitigation.
Biography :Marie received her BS degree from the University of Kansas. She worked as a property adjuster and then managed local vendors for a major insurance carrier for 16 years. She was in charge of onboarding or removing restoration companies from the program if they weren’t servicing the customers properly. She received her water certification training […]
Title : President
Company Name: Ukrainian Canadian Medical Association of Ontario
Industry : Medical Practice
Location : Mississauga,OH,Canada
Biography :Svitlana Yanchynska is President of the Ukrainian Canadian Medical Association of Ontario, and she runs operations at S. Yanchynska Dentures, http://yanchynskadentures.ca. Their mission is to design natural-looking dentures using the latest technology, for a great fit and a worry-free smile. They are fully equipped to offer a wide range of denture services. They specialize […]
Title : Online Entrepreneur
Company Name: Caroline Lovell
Location : United Kingdom
Specialty : Fashion, Business Owner, Manufacturing
Biography :Caroline Lovell is a highly sought-after online entrepreneur in the Personal Development industry. She focuses on empowering people to achieve success for themselves by teaching them how to run an online business. The Personal Development business gives people a purpose and meaning in life Caroline worked for over forty years in the fashion industry. She […]
Title : Empowerment Coach, Author & Motivational Speaker
Company Name: Mindfulness With Mahara
Location : Beaumont,Canada
Specialty : Empowerment Coach
Biography :Mahara Wayman has over 10 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, working for a global company, helping people transform their lives. Today, she is the Chief Gratitude Officer and CEO of Mindfulness With Mahara. She is also the author of “Essential Insights To Living Your Best Life.”