The Worldwide Women’s Association Recognizes Hanneke Slomp
Hanneke Slomp is a Consultant at Graviant where she coordinates new teaching methods for English education in public schools. She works in conjunction with an American company, conducts coaching and training, and works at a publishing house. Hanneke holds her Bachelor’s degree in English from the Hogeschool Utrecht, which she received in 2001.
Currently, Hanneke and the team at Graviant are offering full package of their teaching method, which consists of two online programmes imported from the USA in addition to complimentary workbooks (for years 1,2, 3 & 4 of secondary schools. She coordinates all components and is one of the main authors of the curriculum. Learn more on their website:
The workbook is complimentary to the two programmes, which Graviant imports and distributes in the BeNeLux. These wonderful programmes are developed by an American company called SciLearn, and are designed by neuro-linguistic scientists. The programmes are scientifically based and aim to improve not just reading skills, but also help students develop their executive skills. The programmes are suitable for all types of readers of English worldwide. The advanced speech verification and completely personalised tracking of the student’s progress and personalised (speech-verified) feedback is amazing. However, it does not cover the entire curriculum for English lessons as required by the Dutch government and the European Union, as its main focus is obviously reading.
This is where Hanneke comes in, to coordinate a brand new workbook which does not only supplement the two wonderful programmes but also offers great opportunities for blended learning, differentiation and even personalised learning. It contains real-life, catchy content all in line with CEFR-level indication as well as the curriculum requirements the Dutch government has stated. The workbook looks inviting, the content is fun, fits in with the students’ perception and has a great variety of interactive activities, both online as in the hardcopy book. Here’s a link to a promotional video about the workbook for English she is coordinating:
For now, they are focused on launching the workbook in the Netherlands, the programmes are already running at a dozen schools and a few schools who use the workbooks as a pilot this school year. Response has been very positive so far and many schools have shown interest, so things are looking bright. In time, we hope to expand beyond the Dutch borders:
Moving forward, she would like to continue developing her teaching method and to continue consulting. Hanneke hopes to network as much as possible with likeminded professionals worldwide. She credits her success thus far to her ardent drive.
Worldwide Women’s Association Member, Hanneke Slomp, can be found on the Association Directory, where she is looking forward to networking with you.